
Monday, October 31, 2011

Almost November.... Seriously?

Here is a little update and some pictures from our life in October.
Mike is still working at Fastenal in Ogden and doing really well. He is taking two classes this semester, one online and one in Brigham City. He also just got calledto be the 2nd counselor in the young men's, which also means that he is the assistant scout master. He is very busy!
I haven't really done anything. I have been really struggling with my arthritis. I have been taking two different shots, but am still in a LOT of pain. I have a doctor appt this week and it's possible that they will be putting me on a medication given by IV (YIKES!). I never knew how hard this would be. I can't really do anything and Mike has to do SO much. I am hoping that something will work.
Cooper turned 2 this month!!! I can't believe it! He weighs 27 pounds and is 32 inches. He is so short. He still isn't talking a whole lot, which worries me a lot. He is getting better at using sign and talking more than he did in the past. Here are some things about Cooper...
-he loves Blue's Clues
-he is a very picky eater
-he loves sports just like his dad
-he loves music just like his mom
-he loves nursery
Here are some pics from Cooper's birthday and Halloween. As you can see, this year we didn't do a whole lot of celebrating for either. Luckily Mike's parents helped us celebrate Cooper's birthday by taking us out to dinner and getting a cake.


  1. I can't believe he is two already!! He is so cute! I wouldn't worry too much about him talking. Brooklyn didn't really start to talk until she was around two and a half. Now she wont stop! :)
    I am sorry to hear about your arthritis. I hope they find something that will help!

  2. 2 already! happy b day little cooper!
